Hands- On with Madhubani

At Hands On Studios, we conduct workshops that bring together artisans, designers, and model makers to discover an entirely new outlook towards nature, build a gratitude to the world around us, and art itself!

We commenced our journey in lovely Pune winters with the art of Madhubani.Our first workshop ‘Hands- On with Madhubani’ was held in December’17 across 4 locations in Pune – Art2day, Adipa, MonalisaKalagram andDoodle Tales Studios.

Madhubani, which means the ‘Forest of Honey’, is a small village in the northern part of Bihar where this artform originated. Hands on Studios introduced RatneshwarJha and ChaturananJha traditional Madhubani artisans from Madhubanidistrict,Bihar.

Chaturanan Jha
Chaturanan Jha has experience of 40+ years of doing Madhubani painting. He has learned it from his forefathers and passed on this folkart to his son.

Day 1
We began the workshop offering a prayer to the creator who has created this beautiful nature.

Madhubani was practiced in olden days using natural handmadecolors. All the participants tried their hands in creating their own natural colors extracted by leaves, flowers, haldi and other materials.

Madhubani has distinct motifs of birds, animals, trees and human figures. RatneshwarJha introduced the participants with variety of motifs and also filler which is known as ‘Kachnikaam’. Another important feature of Madhubani is that, no space is left empty. With perfection you also need perseverance. Participants practiced these motifs and fillers.

Day 2
We introduced the participants with the DIY lamp that they had to build at the end of the workshop. The brief that was given to them was all the four sides put together should tell a story. Participants were engaged in creating compositions with the motifs learnt the day before. Some of the participants with new found interest got natural colors from home. The paintings were done in both natural and acrylic colors.2

Day 3
In the last day participants completed their 4 side paintings. The final task was to assemble the lamp.

Workshop Photos

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