Master Artisan-led Gond Summer Workshop

In the summerof 2018,we conducted several Gond workshops with the help of an award-winning master artisan couple from Bhopal, Hiraman and Gitanjali Urweti that practices the art of Gond since generations. The workshop took place from the 26th of April to the 6th of May in multiple locations across Pune.

Gond is a style of painting practised by the Gonds, the largest tribal community in India based in Madhya Pradesh. Gond paintings are characterised by animals, birds and trees that morph into each other, thus creating beautiful and ethereal compositions.

Day 1
On the first day, Hiramanji introduced us to the origin of Gond Paintings. In the ancient days, the painting was done with coloured soils that were found locally in the forests. Natural colours from flowers, vegetables, rice and animal dung were also used. Over the years, the couple has mastered their skill with acrylic paints and conducted these workshops with them.

At the start of the workshop, the participants learned to drawthe “Bade Devta,”a typical string instrument used by the tribals. Trees play an important role in the daily lives of the Gond community as most of their gods and goddesses rest under trees. The artisans displayed different ways in which trees are drawn as depicted in Gond paintings. They also introduced some of the other motifs, such as deer and different types of birds &elephants.

Day 2
Each participant was given a wall lamp kit on which they had to create unique Gond compositions. Under the guidance of Hiramanji and Gitanjaliji, a bright colourpallet of acrylic paints was chosen. Most of the compositions were inspired by nature. Several participants chose to make a canvas painting and created wall-hanging scrolls.

Day 3
The most important elements of Gond paintingsare the textures and intricate detailing. The flat application of colours was textured with a brush/pen on the last day. Different texturing methods were used to fill up the leaves, barks of trees, the body and feathers of birds &animals. Every artist has their own texturing style –his/her signature. The participants worked on detailing and completed their paintings.

In the end, the lamps were assembled and the final artwork on canvases was displayed.

Workshop Photos

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